

Welcome to The One Bali Studio, the best piercing studio in Bali that provides various types of piercings with the best quality and affordable prices. We have the most complete and up-to-date collection of piercing jewelry, from nose piercings, ears, lips, and much more.

With extensive experience and knowledge in piercing, our piercers are ready to help you choose the type of piercing that best suits your style and personality. We prioritize cleanliness and safety in every piercing process, use sterile equipment and follow strict sanitary procedures.

Trust your desire to express yourself through piercing to our piercing experts at The One Bali Studio, and don’t hesitate to ask questions or consult about the piercing you want to do.


Yes, to ensure you get the best service and avoid long lines, it’s best to make an appointment before coming to the one bali studio.

Yes, we accept walk-in clients, but there will be a waiting time depending on the availability of our staff.

Piercing is the process of penetrating certain parts of the body to insert jewelry or accessories, such as piercing the nose, ears, lips or other body parts.

The sensation of pain can vary depending on the piercing area chosen, but most people experience little pain or just a feeling of pressure during the piercing process. Our piercers will provide further information regarding the piercing process and provide advice for those of you who are doing a piercing for the first time.

The time needed for the piercing process depends on the type of piercing and the area selected. Usually the piercing process only takes a few minutes to a maximum of 30 minutes.

Before doing the piercing, make sure the body is in good health. Don’t drink alcohol or illegal drugs, and avoid fatty foods within 24 hours before the piercing. Also, make sure the area to be pierced is clean and free of infection.

After piercing, make sure to keep the pierced area clean by cleaning it regularly with antiseptic soap and clean water. In addition, avoid holding or scratching the piercing area and avoid wearing tight clothing or accessories that can rub or pull the piercing jewelry.

Recovery time after a piercing varies depending on the type of piercing and the area selected. Usually recovery takes several days to several weeks. Our piercers will provide further information regarding recovery after piercing.

If an infection or allergic reaction occurs after the piercing, immediately consult a doctor or our piercers to get the right treatment. In addition, make sure to always follow the advice and care instructions given by our piercers after the piercing.

Yes, we accept payments by credit card or cash. Please see more information on our tattoo services for accepted payment methods.